Vegan Writing For the Animals

· Vegan

Welcome to Vegan For the Animals, a Blog by Teja Ray... my calling in life is vegan writing for the animals, because I believe that all of the human animals *and* all of the non-human animals are emerging from the same Source Energy, the Supreme Spirit... 

So I believe that all of the non-human animals are our earthling siblings in a planetary family... Thus, I believe it is wrong to harm and kill the non-human animals... I hope to influence more human animals to stop eating the flesh and fluids of the non-human animals.

The cows, lambs, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and fish are sentient beings, which means that they are aware and able to feel pain and pleasure through their senses. Vegetarianism is not enough to raise humankind to a higher level of compassion and mercy, because the dairy cows and farmed hens are enduring horrific suffering in order for humans to indulge in dairy and eggs. Veganism is the way to reduce so much suffering!

The animals and fish who are farmed as commodities have families and feelings just like humans, dogs, and cats. Thus I am writing for the freedom of *all* animals. I hope and pray that more human animals will shift to Veganism!

Cow photo credit: Subtle Cinematics on Unsplash.