Compassion says,

"Eat Plants (Not Animals)"

· Vegan

Vegans, curious vegans-to-be, and those who respect the vegan philosophy are the people who are likely to appreciate this blog. People who angrily defend eating the flesh and fluids of the non-human animals are probably not ready to read this blog. 

However, in some posts I will address various aspects of the resistance to veganism, such as in the following excerpt from the introductory section of my book, Vegan Ramayana: The Shakahara StarFire Way of Rama.

If you are not yet vegan, after you read this excerpt, please spend some time contemplating the difference between the peaceful energy of a silent carrot in the field, and the fearful energy of a screaming pig in the slaughterhouse. I pray that the energy of compassion will arise in your mind, and you will begin your vegan journey soon.

Book Excerpt:

“Some people defensively argue that vegans are “killing“ plants. Well, I cannot claim to know whether or not plants feel, but certainly they do not have brains and central nervous systems, so carrots do not scream when chopped like pigs scream when killed. We know that killing animals and fish causes incredible suffering, and stealing from cows, goats, chickens, and bees causes incredible suffering, but we really do not know if plants feel pain. And, we have to eat something to survive in these bodies.

“The diet should be as compassionate as possible, and so at this stage in our evolution that means eating plants. But, who knows what the future will bring. Perhaps if all the human beings get elevated to the Highest Love Vibrations, then we will all live on Sunlight and vibrations from crystals! For now I say let’s honor the plants and eat them with gratitude.”

Carrots: Alexey Hulsov on Pixabay.    Pigs: Lauren McConachie on Unsplash.