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    Vegans, vegans-to-be,

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  • Vegan For the Animals

    a Blog by Teja Ray

    May 18, 2022 · Vegan,Vegan Activism
    During my recent six week pause from blogging, I realized that the goal I had set for 2022 needed...
    Dear readers, This will be my last blog post for now, but I will continue publishing stories...
    September 21, 2022 · Vegan
    Today is the International Day of Peace. What does that even mean, when Putin’s war is still...
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  • Author







    Shakaharini StarFire Teja Ray

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    Tejaswini Shankara, who goes by Teja (pronounced “Tay-juh”), is a yogini-mystic of the Shakahara StarFire Tribe, a Ramayana scholar, a Mama of two amazing young men, and a barefoot nature lover who loves the Sun, orange marigolds, sunflowers, red roses, trees, birds, stars, red rocks, hot black coffee (organic, fair trade, dark roast!), pinecones, amethyst crystals, sacred science fiction/fantasy realms, and the vision of Hanuman in the pine tree forests, ever ringing his bells and singing "Rama, Rama, Rama!”


    As a blended Hindu-Buddhist-Taoist-Jedi (who also bows to Christ Consciousness, Nature-Loving Science, and nature-based traditions like Tibetan Buddhist and Native American), Shakaharini StarFire Teja Ray aspires to send nourishing spiritual energies and love energies out to all beings each day. She is a vegan visionary with various ever-evolving ministries.


    At the heart of the Star Wars saga is the Jedi understanding that the Force is in everything and everyone, so the Jedi feel compassion for all living beings. Thus Jedi = Vegan Ahimsa = Shakahara. As a Jedi wannabe, Teja Ray seeks to cultivate that level of superhero compassion in her daily vegan life. And, she visualizes a world in which all the good peaceful people turn the darksiders (like Ravana) back to the Light!


    Teja Ray writes for the animals in her tree-house temple over a small green urban forest.

  • Book


    Vegan Ramayana: The Shakahara StarFire Way of Rama


    Now available on Lulu... And on Amazon

    $14 of green love energy (a.k.a. money)*


    *Please note that the author receives the most from sales on Lulu (five dollars and some change, per book).



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    Welcome to the magical realm of the Ramayana, the ancient epic from India that stirs the souls of millions around the world. There are more than three hundred recorded Ramayanas, and myriads more ever vibrate through the spheres. The Ramayana is not just a story; it is a living force throughout time and space.


    In this version, Vegan Ramayana: The Shakahara StarFire Way of Rama, the sacred story shines with innovative spins that are at once shocking and refreshing. Vegans, vegans-to-be, and those who respect the vegan philosophy will appreciate this veganized version which is a fusion of the ancient fantastical aspects with futuristic science fiction elements.


    Before the tale begins, Teja Ray explains why she has veganized the Ramayana. Language matters, and the issue of complicity arises often for modern vegans. In a largely non-vegan world, which glorifies the consumption of animal flesh and fluids in all directions, this Vegan Ramayana enables the reader to take peaceful refuge in a sacred text that is non-violent and vegan.


  • Image credits


    Forest: jplenio on Pixabay.

    Flower: Sztrapacska74 on Pixabay.

    Cow: Subtle Cinematics on Unsplash.