Upgraded 2022 Goal for Vegan Activist Teja Ray

· Vegan,Vegan Activism

During my recent six week pause from blogging, I realized that the goal I had set for 2022 needed revision. On New Year’s Day I had written that my goal was to expand my reach and be an influencer who inspires compassion that changes choices. While that was a lofty aspiration, I suddenly saw that it was not only unrealistic, but it was egoic, in that I was trying to control outcomes and have measurable “successful” fruits from my actions. 

Briefly I considered letting the vegan blogging go, but then I thought of the late Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s words, “Once there is seeing, there must be acting, or what is the use of seeing?” And, I felt that nagging impulse from my depths that says, “you need to be doing something (more than nothing) to be contributing to Goodness.” 

So, rather than stopping the work altogether, I decided to upgrade my goal! 😃 This goal also serves as the updated mission statement for this vegan blog: I intend to be consistently giving energy to veganism, as a spiritual practice. I aspire to shine positive lights on veganism. ✨🌿🌟 

In my very first post on this blog, “Vegan Writing For the Animals,” my focus was on influencing, while my vision going forward shifts the focus to giving energy to veganism, the movement that honors the lives of all species. 

I intend to write for the animals with a cheerful happy attitude that celebrates the positive elements of veganism and animal sentience, whilst bringing awareness to the negative elements of cruelty and animal suffering. 

May the Forces of Goodness be with us all…. 

Thank you so much for reading my vegan blog!! 👏♥️🔥 

Lots of Love to All Earthlings! ♥️🐂🐖🐓🦃🐑🐙🐝♥️🐂🐖🐓🦃🐑🐙🐝♥️

🌿✨🦜🌲 🌿♥️🔥✨🌞✨🔥♥️🌿✨🦜🌲 🌿

Cow photo credit: Subtle Cinematics on Unsplash.