Jolly Green Giants: An Apt Analogy

· Vegan

Imagine some “jolly” green giants come to visit Earth from another planet. On their planet “HIMSA” is the way of life. Himsa means violence. They are aggressive, yet jolly, because on Earth they can use the humans in all the ways that humans now use the non-human animals: as food, clothing, subjects for experimentations, entertainment, and sports.

The giants kill humans by the millions, cutting up the human bodies and cooking them for their families to eat. And, they steal the breastmilk from the human women, making bigger and bigger breastmilk farms. They won’t tell anyone where they take the babies that those women give birth to, but no matter, they believe firmly that they need the human breastmilk for their health (even though it’s unnatural to drink the milk of another species).

Oh my goodness, if this ever happens, I will be praying for the jolly green giants' Vegan Movement to grow quickly!!! 🌿 We humans will be hoping that the giants will soon learn the “AHIMSA” way of life. Ahimsa means non-violence and non-harming. ♥️


Original green giant: flutie8211/Vicki Hamilton on Pixabay.