Veganism Honors Natural Hen Life

· Vegan

Vegans do not eat eggs. Here’s why…. 

In the wild, hens only lay 10-15 eggs per year, but modern egg hens are slaves who are forced to produce 250-300 eggs per year.

In The Pig Who Sang to the Moon: The Emotional World of Farm Animals, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson explains:

“In the factory farming of chickens, natural instincts are frustrated, and this can only lead to unhappiness. Wild fowl, like all birds, do not lay a surplus of eggs, except in the spring when they are prepared to raise a brood of chicks. Chickens produce so many eggs not because it is natural for them to do so, but because light stimulates the hen’s pituitary gland at the base of the brain, resulting in a greater amount of hormone, which in turn stimulates the ovaries of the hen…. If the lights are left on, hens will eat and lay for twenty-one out of twenty-four hours of the day, baffled by the continual disappearance of their eggs.”

To learn more about the harm inflicted on laying hens, please read my post “Stand for an Hour in the Cage of a Battery Hen.”

Another reason for saying No to eggs is the horrific treatment of the male chicks. You can learn more in my post “Do You Know What the Egg Industry Does with Male Chicks?

Eating eggs causes a lot of harm and suffering. Thus, vegans do not eat eggs. Veganism honors natural hen life. Hens should be free to live their natural lives out in nature. If you are not yet vegan, please spend some time meditating on the hens, and then I hope you will stop eating eggs and go vegan!



Original hen: Brianna Santellan on Unsplash.