Transformation is Possible: Vegan Majority by 2050?

· Vegan

Butterflies have long symbolized transformation. If you have ever felt stuck in patterns of say, negative thinking, for say, a decade (or longer), then a certain kind of despair might delude your mind into thinking that transformation is not possible. If that has happened to you, I totally understand.

A few years ago, I was reading a book by the late Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh, in which he stated that transformation and healing are always possible. At that time, I was not so sure about that, but now, life has led me into a process that is transforming my mind, even as I watch incredulously.

Similarly, the majority of human minds are still stuck in the societal conditionings of carnism* but lately I have seen references to a “vegan majority by 2050”…. Meanwhile, some climate researchers say that humankind will not survive unless everyone goes vegan as soon as possible. Consider this:

Veganism is the single most effective way to stop the spread of destructive climate change.

And Dr. Sailesh Rao, founder of Climate Healers, pinky promised his granddaughter Kimaya that humankind will stop hurting her animal friends and be vegan by 2026. Transformation is possible.

Let’s all become beautiful butterflies, who have transformed our patterns of thinking, and who now show loving kindness and mercy to all the animals, birds, and fish.


*Carnism is the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals. Learn more: Beyond Carnism.



Image: Joana Pires on Unsplash.