Signs That You've Been Thoroughly Brainwashed: (And What To Do About It)

· Vegan

This is a continuation of my post “War Warps the Human Psyche: Brainwashing & Violence Lead to Food Addictions” in which I stated that brainwashing is a powerful tool that has been used perniciously and persistently for decades. The following is a list of thoughts you may have if you have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the animal agriculture industry. (If you are already vegan, you may remember a time when you had these same thoughts.) ~

~ “Where do vegans get their protein?”

~ “Where do vegans get their calcium?”

~ “Tofu is weird.”

~ “I couldn’t survive on a vegan diet. It’s for weaklings.”

~ “Don’t tell me anymore — I don’t want to change what I eat, so I don’t want to know anything more.”

~ “I couldn’t give up cheese or meat or cheese or fish or cheese or eggs or cheese or milk or cheese or ice cream or cheese.”

~ “And anyway, aren’t animals just here to be made into our food?”

If you are not yet vegan, and you’ve had these thoughts (and perhaps even said them aloud to the vegans in your life), then you have been brainwashed. In addition to the thoughts that the industry has instilled in you, primarily through advertising, another sign of indoctrination is not knowing how dairy is made. 

In order for humans to consume milk, butter, ghee, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, mother cows have to be repeatedly impregnated so that they will produce the milk that is intended by nature for their own calves. Cows don’t just make milk for humans. They only make milk when they give birth to their calves, just as human women only produce breastmilk when they give birth to their babies. 

See the calf reaching to nurse the momma cow, in the photo with this post. That is what nature intends! Nature never intended for humans to take the calves away from their mothers to milk them for human consumption. Cows are living beings like us — they are not machines!

So, the cows are suffering beyond what you can even imagine, and because the dairy products contain casomorphins, they are extremely addictive like heroin, which makes it very difficult for you to give up cheese…. However, it can be done. In 2009 when I went vegan, cheese was the last animal product I gave up, and I made that choice because I do not want to contribute to harming the cows.

The whole world has been systematically indoctrinated to *not* feel compassion for the non-human animals who are bred for human food. If you are not vegan yet, please do not worry about how you’ve been brainwashed. It’s just something that happened, and you are not alone. 

And, there are millions of people around the world who have already broken through the brainwashing and are living happy vegan lives, walking together towards the tipping point. You can join us anytime. 

Simply decide and affirm that the lives of the cows are more important than your taste addictions. To get started on your shift to veganism, please visit this site: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

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Calf nursing momma cow, original: Slawek K on Unsplash.