Note Sent to Bill Gates: Vision for Normalizing Veganism in Advertising Campaign

"Of Course I'm Vegan, Aren't You?"

· Vegan

Dear Bill Gates,

Please consider manifesting this vision: You invest in a massive advertising campaign that normalizes veganism and makes it look like an inspiring and hip way to help the environment. The central message would be, “Of course I’m vegan, aren’t you?”

For example, in a festive holiday ad, someone would say to their friends, “Of course I’m vegan, aren’t you? Of course I’m choosing a peaceful holiday menu, aren’t you?” ~ “I’ll be serving vegan plant foods, including roasted rosemary potatoes, pumpkin lentil stew, and ginger cranberry sauce."

Thank you for all of your good works,

Teja Ray Shankara

Pumpkins: 165106 on Pixabay.