A Turkey Being's Message for Humankind

· Vegan

Each year, more than 250 million turkeys are killed for their flesh in the United States. Of that astounding number, more than 46 million are murdered for the Thanksgiving holiday, and more than 22 million are murdered for the Christmas holiday. 

If one of those turkey beings could speak our human language, I imagine that this is what she would say:

Dear fellow earthlings, of the human animal species,

Did you know that I am a sentient being? Did you know that sentient means I am capable of feeling both pain and happiness? Did you know that I am intelligent, and I feel emotions, and I have a unique personality?

My entire tribe of birds, the turkey species, has a zest for life. We love living on Earth, just like you humans love living on Earth. So please respect our lives, and please allow us to live with our families in freedom and happiness.

If you are not yet vegan, and you are spiritual or religious, please watch this 91-minute documentary film by Thomas Wade Jackson, A Prayer for Compassion: tinyurl.com/APFC-Free.

(Trailer here: A Prayer for Compassion.)

May all of humankind wake up to the horrific reality that us turkeys are suffering through. May you all realize that it is wrong to murder innocent, defenseless animals. We are born to live, just like you humans are born to live. 


A Turkey Being

Turkey: Mark Olsen on Unsplash.